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Showing posts from March, 2022


  WHAT IS REFERENCE IN JOB APPLICATION  References are  people who can talk about your qualification, work experience, work habits, overall behavior  and skills .  References are people who can answer questions about your behavior, education, work history, abilities,  skills  and work style.  References में उन लोगों के नाम और contact number दिए जाते हैं जो आपसे संबंधित प्रश्न जैसे की आपके व्यवहार, आपके गुण, आपकी पढ़ाई , आपकी योग्यता, इत्यादि के बारे में सही जानकारी दे सकें For References, it is good to  choose people who can speak or write favorably about you and your work . This will improve chances of getting the job. ऐसे व्यक्ति का चुनाव References के तौर पे करें जो आपके बारे में सही और अच्छी बातें बता सके, इससे आपकी job मिलने की संभावना अधिक होती है l VERY IMPORTANT  CHOOSE YOUR REFERENCE VERY CAREFULLY. Choose someone as a reference if you are on good terms with the individual, and feel confident that the person will prov...