TARGET DSSSB PGT TGT PRT 2022 LET's CRACK THE EXAM Important points for DSSSB Exam for PRT, TGT & PGT 1. PRT / TGT - 1 TIER EXAMS 2. PGT - 1 TIER + 2 TIER EXAMS 3. Negative Marking will be applicable and a deduction of 0.25 marks will be made for each wrong answer. 4. The Examination questions will be bilingual (Hindi & English) except for the Language papers which would be in the language concerned only. 5. DSSSB PRT, TGT & PGT Exam Pattern for Tier 1 Subjects No. of questions No. of Marks Time General Awareness / GS 20 20 2 Hours Mental ability and Reasoning ability or, General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability 20 20 Mathematics & Data Interpretation 20 20 Hindi Language & Comprehension. 20 20 English Language & Comprehension. 20 20 Subject Concerned (teaching methodology/post-graduation) 100 100 Total 200 200 DSSSB PGT Exam Pattern for Tier 2 Candidates who will qualify DSSSB PGT tier 1 exam will be called to ...